Guide To Making Your Landscape Stand Out This Holiday Season

Guide to making your landscape stand out this holiday season


We’re sure it goes without saying, but making your yard the talk of the neighborhood is one of our favorite past times. We live and breathe lawn care, and by partnering with our sister company, Gainesville Holiday Lights, we’re aiming to make your landscape look amazing this year. While our dedicated team will ensure your grass, hedges, and landscaping are in tip-top condition, there are several things you can do as well. That’s why we put together this guide to making your landscape stand out this holiday season with these 5 tips.


Tip #1: Winterize your yard


Guide to making your landscape stand out this holiday seasonWinterizing your yard is one of the best ways to prepare it for the upcoming cold season. It also serves as a great way to spruce up your lawn before the holidays are upon us. While many of the things we’re suggesting you do we take care of for our clients, if you’re a do-it-yourselfer or simply enjoy spending time exercising your green thumb here are a couple of pointers:

  • Take some time to clean out dead plants or leaves from your flowerbeds. Replace them with some colorful annuals.
  • Trim your shrubs and remove any low hanging tree branches that are easily within reach.
  • Fill in any holes in your mulch and if necessary, freshen it up.
  • Finally, rake your yard. It’ll help loosen up any dead clippings and get your grass ready for what comes next.


Tip #2: Strategically place your decorations


What’s coming next, you ask? That’s easy: decorations! Everything from yard signs to inflatables to light displays are a great way to compliment your already immaculate lawn.

Notice, however, the first word in our tip: strategically. It might seem like a foregone conclusion, but take a little bit of time to sketch out where you see each of your decorations in your yard. Don’t just start planting them (sorry for the pun!) in the ground. But rather, think about where they make the most sense. You’ll obviously want any large displays in the back and the smaller ones in front.

And again, this might seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised at how this important step is often overlooked!


Tip #3: Keep cords tidy


Let’s see: your grass looks great, your trees and shrubs are trimmed, you’ve tidied up your flower beds, and you’ve figured out the exact spot to place Rudolph, Santa, and the rest of your huge sleigh setup.

Did you think about how you’re going to run your cords? Nothing can be quite as distracting from an amazingly landscaped yard than to see cords running every which way. Be efficient with them, running them together as much as possible not only to highlight how great your yard looks but also to keep everyone safe — no one wants to trip on a cord while checking out your display!


Tip #4: Be a lightweight


When the holidays are over, you’re going to spend some time taking down all of your displays. While we don’t necessarily want you to avoid certain kinds of displays if you really love them, our fourth tip in our guide to making your landscape stand out this holiday season is to use lightweight ones that won’t damage your grass.

Remember, in a few months everything will be packaged back up and in storage, but your yard needs to look good all year long!


Guide to making your landscape stand out this holiday seasonTip #5: Look upward


How far upward? Just high enough to see your trees. Earlier, we mentioned trimming your trees. If you’re planning to light them up, take some time to plan it out and figure out the best way to illuminate them without looking, well, tacky. Christmas lights in a well-maintained tree look amazing, but if they’re not run properly or the tree hasn’t been trimmed in a while, it could distract from your overall curb appeal more than you realize.


Bonus tip: contact us to make your landscape stand out this holiday season!


Whether you’re an existing client or are interested in having someone manage your yard work for you, Sun Power Lawn Care wants to help your landscaping be the standout property in your neighborhood this year. We’ll help get your yard ready for winter and can help maintain it for you year-round.

Contact us today for a free quote and we’ll be in touch to schedule a consultation soon!


Here are some great resources to help your lawn looks its best:

The Pro Secret to a Perfect Yard: It’s Easier Than You Think

3 Simple Secrets to Make Your Property Pop in Winter

Discovered: “74 Pennies a Day” is the Difference Between an Average and an Outstanding Lawn